FreiLacke - System coatings & application solutions
FreiLacke – System coatings & application solutions
We develop and produce all conventional coating systems under one roof.
We are thus able to offer our customers not only all the important coating technologies but can also match these to the respective coating structure and finish to optimum effect.

A one-stop shop for high-quality coating systems
Thanks to our wide and varied range of products, FreiLacke can provide you with the full range of commonly used coating systems:
System coatings with versatile applications for industry
As a future-facing coating manufacturer, we are proud to provide sophisticated vertical and horizontal system coating solutions.
We are able to provide our customers optimum solutions for applications across a wide range of industries by combining our coating systems in different ways. We can supply you with all the major coating technologies, each one customised precisely to suit your individual requirements in relation to coating structure and visual appearance.

Light metal
1 of 4Primer (Powder coating))
2 of 4Base coat (Industrial coating)
3 of 4Top coat / varnish (Industrial or powder coating)
4 of 4Different coatings are combined to create a multi-layer coating structure.

Different coatings are used to coat different components. When these components are mounted next to one other, the whole thing has to look as if it had been cast from a single mould.
Our service – from consultancy support right to an optimum product
Add to your range of capabilities and maximise your expertise with our bespoke training courses and further training sessions which cover all aspects of our surface solutions. Benefit from our comprehensive range of know-how and keep yourself right up-to-date on this technology at all times.

A wide range of brochures, certificates as well as safety and technical data sheets in several languages can be found in our download portal.
Our technical application support staff can help you with the introduction of our coatings and can then provide you with technical service support.
You can keep a close eye on the costs for your individual needs with our useful VOC, cost-effectiveness and energy calculator
Unser Service – Von der Beratung bis zum optimalen Produkt
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Eine Vielzahl an Broschüren, Zertifikaten, sowie die Sicherheits- & Technischen Datenblätter finden Sie in mehreren Sprachen in unserem Service Center.
Service Center
Als umfassender Partner für Oberflächenlösungen bieten wir Ihnen in allen Produktbereichen entsprechende Schulungen und Weiterbildungen an.
Technischer Service vor und nach der Lieferung.
Unsere Anwendungstechniker unterstützen Sie bei der Einführung unserer Lacke auf Ihren Beschichtungs /-Produktionsanlagen und betreuen Sie anschließend mit unserem technischen Service.
Erste Schritte zur optimalen Lösung.
Als Lackhersteller bieten wir Ihnen unser umfassendes Know-How im Bereich der Prozess- und Anlagenplanung.
Für die Auswahl der optimalen Lackieranlage stehen wir Ihnen schon ab dem ersten Gespräch mit dem Anlagenhersteller zur Seite.
Berechnen Sie mit unserem Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechner Lackierkosten und vergleichen Sie unterschiedliche Lacksysteme zur Optimierung Ihrer Wirtschaftlichkeit.
Mit unserem Energierechner haben Sie Ihre Energiekosten fest im Blick.
FreiLacke stands forenvironmental protection and social responsibility
he notion of environmental protection is one of our central guiding principles whenever we develop and improve products. We proceed as economically as possible with resources and we endeavour to reduce waste. Our aspiration: to keep emission levels and volumes of packaging material as low as possible. Our contribution: more than 80 percent of our coatings are environmentally compatible. Place your confidence in the certified quality and safety that FreiLacke can provide.
Moreover, as a coating manufacturer and as a company, we are also committed to social responsibility. With a 10% ratio of trainees to company workforce, we seek to promote talented newcomers. The Emil Frei Foundation supports social projects in recognition of the voluntary commitment of our employees, projects ranging from education and training to art and culture

News at FreiLacke
Logistics and technology assure the identical quality of coatings worldwide
Press release: Globally active customers expect a very great deal from their coating suppliers: Those coatings need to be available in every corner of the …